The last three decades in our “iron” 20th century brought unexpected but gratifying advances in democracy all around the globe. Several dictatorships fell or were wiped out. In the 1970s, outdated regimes that were still oppressing people in southern Europe. Our film will take a look at this struggle by comparing and contrasting the case of three countries: Spain, Greece and Portugal. While all three are quite close in terms of their geography, history and culture, and all three joined the European Community after building democratic nations, each of these countries has trod its own unique path.

A film by Jean-Noël Jeanneney and Pierre Beuchot
Directed by Pierre Beuchot
With the collaboration of Françoise Arvanitis, Marie-Hélène Ballestero, Graça Vasconcellos
Image : Jacques Bouquin
Editing: Martine Bouquin
Commentary by : André Wilms

National Broadcaster : ARTE France

International Sales :
RSI Italian Swiss
Slovak TV Slovakia
Belsat TV Poland
Red Media Group Russia
Public Sénat France
France 5
Sun TV China
France 3 Corse Via Stella
LCP France
Planète + Canada