In Cergy, not far from Paris, a group program for men who have committed domestic violence is held twice a year. Ten of them, all convicted and sentenced, meet once a week to work on their abusive behaviour, most of which they deny. Three facilitators, a psychologist and a director will combine their efforts to bring these men to change their ways and take responsibility for their actions. All together they have three months to “fight their violence”.

In the closed-door setting of the prison’s probation service, the camera focuses on this meticulous and crucial work, carried out step by step, raising questions for all of us: When can we start talking about violence? What leads an individual to such acts? Can they change?

Without justifying their acts or minimizing their struggle, this film lifts the veil on a subject that is still taboo: the treatment of the offenders, a key lever to fight violence against women and children.

A film by Florie Martin
Produced by Mélissa Theuriau and Léa Huitorel

Produced by 416 Prod
With the support of Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image animée and of the Région Île-de-France
With the participation of France Télévisions
International sales: CLPB Rights

© 416 – 2022