Unbreakables is a singular adolescent portrait.

The story of Kahina, Alex, Gabriel, Guillaume and Jérémie.

They are between 10 and 18 years old and live together in what is called a microstructure in the child protection system: a millstone pavilion where each one has their own room and where a team of 6 educators takes turns with them every day.

An educational and psychological guidance tailored to the needs of these children who have failed the classic reception structures of the Aide Sociale à l’Enfance. All of them have accumulated traumas and psychological disorders. They are referred to as “complex cases” in the best of cases, and “unbreakables” in the worst.

This film follows them on a daily basis for a year. As the days go by, with their ups and downs, we see them calming down, revaluing each other and learning to cope with their wounds.

Little by little, they reveal themselves in their exchanges with their educators, and also, in a more dreamlike way, through the epic adventures of a character that they have created together from scratch.

They then begin to dream about their life after the shelter, their life as adults.

A film by Ketty Rios Palma
Images by Sébastien Koegler
Produced by Mélissa Theuriau

Producer: 416 Prod
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image animée, the PROCIREP and the Région Île-de-France
With the participation of France Télévisions
International sales: CLPB Rights

© 416 – 2020


Pyrénées d’or Award for Best Documentary – Festival des créations télévisuelles de Luchon (2020)