From natural-born prey to public enemy number 1

Is there a more inoffensive creature than the rabbit? At first sight, anyway… And yet this herbivorous animal, an easy prey for all manner of predators, has developed a range of astonishing faculties to survive. Sight, hearing, speed, language, reproduction, cooperation… abilities honed and perfected over the centuries in order to adapt to the environment, and which are often more than surprising.

This film explores the rabbit’s super powers, seen in a variety of unusual situations in a range of countries around the world. We shall see how the fluffy, cuddly bunny – often with a rather random life expectancy – can prove to be highly resourceful and even indomitable, if they get the opportunity… Prey or pest, weak or strong, cute or dangerous… the rabbit is all of these, and much, much more.

A film by Hervé Glabeck and Aurélie Saillard
Produced by Anne Labro
Written by Rémy Batteault, Hervé Glabeck and Aurélie Saillard
Original music by Stéphane Lopez
With the voice of Elvire Mellière

Producers: CPB Films
In co-production with Les protagonistes productions
With the participation of France Télévisions, Planète + Poland and TV5 Québec Canada
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image animée
French broadcaster: France 2 (Case “Grandeur nature”)
International distribution: CPB International

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2018