The documentary tells the story of Zhen et Berenice. She is French and he is Chinese. They are an interracial couple who live in modern-day China, between Xi’an and Shanghai, these cities where they live out their story, separately or together. They are a couple that’s typical of today’s world with its globalisation, and which raises the issue of the permanent adaptation to two cultures which are sometimes complete opposites. Captured at a key moment in its story, the life of this interracial couple is told in the present – with forays into their past, and that of their families, Toulouse, where they met each other, or Xi’an where they chose to live. The complexity of life as a couple in which bonds made of passion and mutual admiration do not conceal the enormous differences and violent contrasts.

A film by Olivier Horn 

A film by Olivier Horn 
Producer: Sunny Way films
International distribution: CLPB Rights