Throughout the inter-war period, one man fascinated the French public. His photo was frequently seen on the front page of the papers. He inspired writers, playwrights and filmmakers. His name was Anthelme Mangin. His nickname was ´The living unknown soldier´. He was an amnesiac soldier who returned to France from a German prison camp in 1918. As soon as his existence became known, he was saddled with the pain of the three hundred thousand families of soldiers who never returned, who were unable to grieve. Dozens of women, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and children claimed him as their missing loved one, despite his physical appearance, age and education. There was even a trial where a dozen families tried to get him formally identified as their kin, before the Second World War interrupted the proceedings. Moved from asylum to asylum, he would finally die alone and abandoned by all in Sainte-Anne, in 1942.

A film by Joël Calmettes
Cinematographer : Sébastien Buchmann
Chief editor : Murielle Froger
Voice : Denis Lavant
Original music : Jean-Louis Valéro
Script : Maxime Fleuriot Maxime Fleuriot
Actors : Pierre Macherez, Guy Lamarque, Marie-Françoise Audollent
Documentalist: Laurène Mansuy

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises & ARTE France coproduction
With the participation of France 2
With the support of the Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée, PROCIREP

© ARTE France – Cie des Phares & Balises – France 2004