Sixty years ago, Algeria was being ravaged by a civil war that would become one of the 20th century’s most deadly wars of independence. For nine months, French soldiers ferociously cracked down on Algerian activists in the city of Algiers.
The documentary mixes archive footage with excerpts from Pontecorvo’s film and numerous interviews, most notably with women who planted bombs for the FLN and have agreed to tell their stories for the very first time. The film throws light on one of the shadiest and most fascinating episodes in recent history, offering insights that help us better understand the burning issues of our own times.

A film written and directed by Yves Boisset
Original music composed by Angélique and Jean-Claude Nachon (Editions Analekta)
Chief editor: Julien Johan
Production Algeria: Yamina Bachir-Chouikh (Acima Films)
Image: Nabil Mechkal
Sound: Hamid Hosmani
Director: Farah Selhani

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises production
With the participation of France 2, TSR & Public Sénat
With the support of the Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée

National Broadcaster : France 2

International Sales :
TV3 Catalunya
Slovak TV Slovakia
Red Media Group Russia
LCP France
Rai 3 Italia
Planète France
Medi1Sat Morocco
Nesma TV Tunisia
France 3 Via Stella
Foxtel Australia

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2006