1996-1946: fifty years ago, in the first post-war automobile exhibition, in a ruined France where there was no traffic, and too little food to fill the belly, Renault, the young corporation nationalized by de Gaulle, offered its bewildered visitors their dream car & the 4CV. The 4CV was primarily an act of resistance, the adventure of a few men who, since the debacle of 1940 and until liberation in 1945, in their German-occupied factories, secretly designed the car of the people for a free France. The 4CV was also an industrial adventure which led its designers to envisage the machines of the future, the first electronic robots of mass assembly-line production. Finally, the 4CV is a historical symbol & that of rediscovered freedom in France, whose wildest dreams, thought up at the sobering times of defeat and at liberation, were to come true within a few years during the ´Thirty Glorious Years´. That is the stuff of ´The 4CV Years´, a documentary designed as an investigation behind the scenes of an unhoped-for success, that of a few men who triumphed to make their dream into a reality for all.


Cie des Phares & Balises
France 3
TSR (Suisse)