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Today, a word from a child before the law is not worth much. We don’t believe it, we don’t observe it, we fail to recognize its traumatic state. Everyone shelters from it. Very few people dare to report it. Through the hearings of a juvenile judge and the words of child victims who have become adults, the film recounts the impact of violence that is invisible and unknown to us, adults. It describes the effects of domestic violence on a person’s life course. How can one survive childhood and what kind of adult should one become? Where are the wounds? Young age does not protect against trauma. On the contrary, neuroscience today shows that it is more pathogenic at this age and has consequences.

Growing up with violence as a legacy. Barriers to learning and development. Shame and secrecy. The repressed rage that recurs. How can we control it? How can we avoid reproducing the abuse when we become parents? This film gives children a voice (anonymous in the judge’s office, face to face with the camera once they are adults). We can listen to their experiences and feelings and take their opinions into account… As a first step towards a greater respect for their right to be protected.

A film by Karine Dusfour

Production company: 416 Prod
Broadcaster: France 2
International sales: CLPB Rights



Prix ex aequo – Prix média Enfance majuscule (2021)