Episode 1: Indigènes 1904 – 1945
Episode 2: Immigrants 1945 – 1981
Episode 3: French 1981 – 2009

Karim Miské reopens France’s history books to look back at the 20th century as lived by Muslims. The film unfolds chronologically, piecing together the memories and cultural identity of this French minority. In our collective representations, Muslims are the embodiment of the “other,” the “stranger.”
It is not our intention to downplay the differences. We do, however, want to show that while the history linking France and Muslims has been filled with more violence than exchange, it remains nonetheless a common history, one that we inevitably share.

As Francophone Africa celebrates the 50th anniversary of its independence from France or Belgium, and with the still rumbling “National Identity” debate as a backdrop, a new generation of French documentary makers have decided to tackle themselves, as Muslims and French citizens, what it means to be both in secular France.
Musulmans de France [Fr ] was released on French channel France 5 on February 23rd. (Global Voices – Posted 2 March 2010)


National Broadcaster : France 5, Public Sénat, Planète +

International Sales :
Al Jazeera Documentary Middle East
Al Jazeera English Qatar
France 3 Via Stella
2M Morocco
TV5 Monde
Ayat Media Iran



– 2nd episode shortlisted at the Ouagadougou ‘Fespaco’ Festival (2011)
– Shortlisted at the Al Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival of Doha (2011)
– Shortlisted at the Medimed Market of Barcelona (2011)
– Shortlisted out of competition at the International Pan-African Film Festival of Cannes (2010)
– Shortlisted in the section ‘Cinéma du Monde’ of the Journée Cinématographique de Carthage (2010)
– Special screening at the Maghreb Film Festival of Paris (2010)