The series is a combination of live action and computer animation in which animated characters Luz and the Sonidos embark on adventures within an actual orchestra shot in live action. A young eight-year-old girl Luz discovers music and how it is made by the orchestra. Each Beethoven’s symphony was the inspiration for a particular universe. In each episode, Luz enters an instrument and it transforms her, turning her into someone else. She takes turns being a sea captain, a spelunker, a trapeze artist, a ghost, an astronaut and a race car driver…

Episode 1. – Symphony n°1 – THE ORCHESTRA
Episode 2. – Symphony n°2 – THE OCEAN
Episode 3. – Symphony n°3 – THE VOLCANO
Episode 4. – Symphony n°4 – THE CIRCUS
Episode 5. – Symphony n°5 – THE GHOSTS
Episode 6. – Symphony n°6 – THE STORM
Episode 7. – Symphony n°7 – THE STARS
Episode 8. – Symphony n°8 – THE RACE
Episode 9. – Symphony n°9 – THE PARADE

Written and directed by Gordon, Corentin Leconte and Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet
With the Orchestre de Paris conducted by Ariane Matiakh in Philharmonie de Paris
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven
Graphics Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet

Coproduced by Camera lucida productions and Philharmonie de Paris
With the participation of France Télévisions
With the support of the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine in partnership with the CNC accompanied by ALCA
with the support of Département de la Charente in partnership with the CNC
French broadcaster: France Télévisions
International sales: CLPB Rights


Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology (PFCAT) – Official Selection