“Fashion – Passion, Sex and Rebellion” tells the story in four episodes (sex, rebellion, power and fantasy), of the extraordinary destiny of fashion in the 20th century. The true story of fashion is a never-ending saga with a myriad of twists and turns, where sex, power, revolt and obsession are intertwined. It is also the story of a catalog of eccentric, impassioned and opinionated characters, who, more than in any other walk of life, are formidably egotistical. It is also a world of business, with a large-scale industry that makes and manages mind-blowing sums of money. While taking its cue from every expression of culture, fashion offers a universal interpretation of how a society is evolving. Through the reminiscences of the men and women who created it, the whole of the 20th century takes to the catwalk before our very eyes.