Canek, grandson of the Commandante, and son of Hilda Guevara, Che´s eldest daughter, wants to go in search of his grandfather who is still omnipresent on the Caribbean island. Destination the Sierra Maestra, scene of the revolución, 500 miles from Havana, at the other end of the island, near Haiti. The guide, Polo Torrès, is a real character, as if lifted straight out of a novel, his nickname ´the barefoot Captain´. Polo was none other than Che´s confidant, the person responsible for bringing his messages to Fidel Castro. Thanks to him, we are able to surf on a sea of meeting after meeting: Humble people, peasants, and all those Cubans who thanks to Che became literate, do not settle simply for leading us along the guerilla paths. There are meetings and a journey into the past to find out just what lurks behind the myth.