8 x 26´ documentaries for France 2, adapted from the BBC series “Living with the enemy”
Two very different people, or from different backgrounds, accept to share a week of their time in one or other´s houses, under the watchful eye of a TV crew. What´s more, a small digital camera is given to each of them, so that they can record their thoughts on the day, when they want to, and in private.

Un catho chez les pacsés
Director : Lorène Debaisieux

Le chasseur et l´écolo
Director : Jean-Michel Vennemani

Comme chien et chat
Director : Manolo d´Arthuis

La rebelle et l´aristo
Director : Jean-Michel Vennemani

Branchée, pas branchée
Director : Farida Rouibi

Tolérance, intolérance
Director : Lorène Debaisieux

La féministe et le macho
Director : Lorène Debaisieux

Un cégétistique dans une start-up
Director : Jean-Michel Venneman

A France 2 / Cie des Phares & Balises coproduction
Based on the original BBC concept : Living With The Enemy
With the support of the Centre National de la Cinématographie

© France 2 – Cie des Phares & Balises – 2001