Built at the end of the 1960s in working-class neighborhoods, the walls of Belfast maintain resentment and hostility between the Catholics and the Protestants, descendent of a long-term violent conflict which deeply shaped Northern Ireland.
Despite the 1998 peace agreements, the walls kept their symbolic power in the heads of the inhabitants of Belfast : many are convince that they will never fall down. Between tourist attractions, propaganda walls and hopes opening, this documentary follows the scars of the the Irish conflict, meeting people whose lives were shaped by this separation and the fear of the other side.


Written and directed by Sylvie Garat
Original music by Franck Lebon

French broadcaster: France Télévisions
A co-production by 13 Productions (Cyrille and Gilles Perez) and France Télévisions
With the support of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region and PROCIREP
With the participation of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée
International sales: CLPB Rights

© France Télévisions – 13 Productions – 2019