Being Asian in France means coming from former French protectorates and colonies of the Indochinese peninsula or having emigrated from China, Japan, Korea or Thailand. South-Eastern Asians who live in the Hexagon all have their own history constitutive of the current identity of their community which is often quoted as “a model of integration”. But what do we really know about this “invisible” community that France could no longer do without?

A film by Laurence Jourdan
Editing: Sylvie Bourget
Original music : Eric Slabiak
Commentary by Anouk Grinberg

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises & Ina coproduction
With the participation of France Télévisions, Planète +, Public Sénat, TV5Monde
With the support of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, PROCIREP – Société des Producteurs and ANGOA

National Broadcaster : France 5 – Planète + – Public Sénat

International Sales :
TV5 Monde
Planète + Canada