What does it mean to be left-wing today?

Après la gauche answers this essential question by interviewing major figures in contemporary thought who make an uncompromising diagnosis of the Left today, highlighting the progress and hopes generated by social struggles and forcefully reaffirming the need to think utopian.

From the disappearance of the USSR to the latest financial crisis, Après la gauche is a journey through twenty years that have profoundly shaken the Left, but this film is also an act of resistance.

A film written by Geoffroy Fauquier, Gaël Bizien and Jérémy Forni
Directed by Jérémy Forni
Edited by Nicolas Rumpl
Original music: François-Eudes Chanfrault

A co-production of Compagnie des Phares et Balises, Chevaldeuxtrois & Crossroads
National Broadcaster : LCP Assemblée Nationale, Planète +