“The Last Outpost” tells the story of the U.S. effort to build up the Afghan Army, the only real exit strategy, but shot from the ground and on the frontlines, a chronicle of the war through the portrait of two Afghans and an American soldier in an embedded team of 130 Afghans.

The two cinematographers-directors, Tim Grucza and Yuri Maldavski, spent one month and a half with the soldiers in a tiny outpost, by the Pakistan border, looking into Waziristan. Ultimately, the film is a look at the absurdity of the war and the impossibility of the fight. It will also explore the psychology, motivation and identity of two people fighting a common enemy but radically opposed in their cultures and ways of life.

National Broadcaster : France 5

International Sales :
Al Jazeera English Qatar
Public Sénat France

Non-theatrical rights : Cinéfête