Episode 1: The Phony War 
Episode 2: The Military Defeat

It took Hitler less than ten months to conquer Europe. The film gives a monthly record, from September 1939 to June 1940, of the inexorable plunge Europe took into chaos.
The story is principally inspired by French, English and German newsreels. The story is told from these three nations’ point of view, based on the information they gave their nations at the time. An original choice, a most fascinating one, that gives us the opportunity to relive this era on a human scale, and watch whilst History unravels.

A film written and directed by Jean-Christophe Rosé
Editing: Timothy Miller, Fabienne Alvarez Giro
Voice commentary: Christian Brendel
Historical advisor: Thomas Wieder
Sound illustration: Serge Kochyne

A co-production of Compagnie des Phares et Balises & ECPAD
With the participation of ARTE France
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, PROCIREP – Société des Producteurs and ANGOA-AGICOA, as well as the Ministry of Defence

National Broadcaster : ARTE France

International Sales :
Public Sénat
Red Media Group Russia
SVT Sweden
RTBF Belgium
Spiegel Germany
RMC Découverte
Czeska TV Czech Republic
Slovak TV Slovakia
Planète Polska Poland
Paris Première France
Foxtel Australia
6Ter France

Non-theatrical rights : Cinéfête Canada

© ARTE France – ECPAD – Compagnie des Phares et Balises – France, 2010