12th September 2002, George W. Bush assured the United Nations Security Council that Iraq was in possession of “weapons of mass destruction” and posed a threat to the United States, particularly through its links with Al Qaeda. “We have a first-hand description” of these installations of death, explained Colin Powell, the Secretary of State a the UN. However, it was all untrue. A fabrication thought up by a nobody and taken up by the American government who used this as the principal reason for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. A misleading propaganda with a major geopolitical setback.   

A film by Setti Dali
Based on an original idea and produced by Anne Labro
Presented by Fabrice d’Almeida
Image by Nina Bernfeld and Christophe Petit
Original music by Nicolas Neidhardt

A Compagnie des Phares & Balises production
With the participation of RMC Découverte, Toute l’Histoire, Foxtel, Speigel TV, Planète + Poland and the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée and PROCIREP-ANGOA

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2018