«Nicotine isn’t addictive». These words are the ones that the tobacco industry’s seven most important leaders pronounced in front of the United States Congress. It was April 4th, 1994. Four years later, they had to pay a $200 billion fine and to make their archives public. Deep inside these millions of pages that were classified as «confidential », the whole world learned of a large-scale strategy of disinformation and manipulation. Infiltration of advertising and science, political lobbying, pressure on journalists: complex mecanisms were put in place to create a smokescreen of lies for 40 years…

A film by Bénédicte Delfaut
In the collection History’s Greatest Lies
Based on an original idea by Anne Labro
Produced by Loren Baux-Richardot
Presented by Fabrice d’Almeida
Image by Nina Bernfeld
Original music by Nicolas Neidhardt

A Compagnie des Phares & Balises production
With the participation of RMC Story, RMC Découverte, LCP-Assemblée Nationale, RTBF, RSI, Speigel TV, RTP, Planète + Poland and Odisea
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée
French broadcaster: RMC Découverte
International Sales: CLPB Rights – Julie Tolza

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2020