´Time´s not all we kill´ tells the story of the political struggle led by men and women whose future is by no means certain. They are militants who are fighting this misfortune specific to a generation who must learn to dialogue with death. It is a film without pity, which does not accept mourning cards, instead encouraging us to think about the resources available to fight the disease, as well as our commitment to it morally, physically and above all as individuals.´Time´s not all we kill´ was made by an HIV-negative cineaste, who does not forget the slogan ´Silence=death´. It is hard-hitting cinema fighting against indifference. The film has a unique position in relation to the broader issues facing today´s society: issues of desire, of law, and of the resources we need to change things within a rich and democratic nation.

The film also shows us the size of the struggle to come, as well as what lies ahead for a movement which is trying rather to expand than to become more radical.


Short-listed at the French Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in 1996