The film recounts how the Wendel dynasty, a symbol of the success of the heavy industry sector, managed to transform itself into a capital funding giant, becoming one of the most powerful investment companies in the world.

Today, the investment companies have taken over, undermining and weakening every sector of the economy. Despite electoral promises and an ever-deepening crisis, governments and international bodies alike refuse to take action

A film written by Patrick Benquet and Marlène Benquet
Directed by Patrick Benquet
With the voice of Emmanuelle Yacoubi
Original music composed and directed by Mathias Duplessy
Violin : Yann Suri
Editing: Françoise Tubaut
Image: Christophe Bidot, Gabriel Buti
Documenter: Mathilde Bracci

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises production
With the participation of France Télévisions.
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, PROCIREP – Société des Producteurs and ANGOA

© Compagnie des Phares et Balises – 2014


Audience award at FIGRA (Paris 2015)
Audience Award, Pessac Festival – 2014
Young Journalists’ Award, Pessac Festival – 2014
FIPA selection 2015