March 2020: The Covid-19 epidemic strikes the Furtado-Heine home for the elderly in Paris. Out of 120 residents, 35 are ill with the virus and 8 have already died from it, while the nursing department is sorely understaffed. Over the course of three months, Éric Guéret filmed an intimate journey during which, with solidarity and devotion, heroic men and women in white coats fight to save the lives of the elderly.

Directed by Éric Guéret
Produced by François Bertrand
Editing: Isabelle Szumny
Original Score: Pierre Fruchard, Etienne Bonhomme
Cinematography and Sound: Éric Guéret


Coproduced by Camera lucida productions and ARTE France
With the support of CNC – Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée

© ARTE France – Camera lucida productions – 2020


FIFDH Geneva – Competition, Grand reportage