265 matches, 10 titles as French champion, World Champion in 2008. For ten years Cédric Balaguier’s Camera has followed Sarah Ourahmoune’s extraordinary journey, until her consecration at the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016, when the 35 year old boxer became Olympic Vice-Champion in the flyweight category. The young woman, born in Sèvres in 1982, had her first pugilistic emotions in 1999, becoming French champion at 17, barely a year after having started boxing. But this mother has also got a Master in Communication from Sciences-Po in Paris. Today she is a member of major sport organisations. A fighter model, in the ring and outside.

Directed by Cédric Balaguier
Written by Cédric Balaguier and Jean-Thomas Ceccaldi
Producer:  Mélissa Theuriau (416 Prod)

Producer: 416 Prod
International sales: CPB International

© 2017 – 416/ CANAL +