Electrical wires on sex. Metal bed connected to the mains. Water torture. Beating… Many Moudjahidines, the veterans of the Algerian war, accuse Jean-Marie Le Pen of torture. At the beginning of 1957, in the middle of the battle of Algiers, the president of the National Front was a volunteer in the prestigious 1st Foreign Parachute Regiment. He only stayed three months in the white city, but, for fifty years, the accusations have been piling up. José Bourgarel went to meet all those who have been close to this story: Algerian witnesses who accuse Le Pen, journalists, lawyers, historians, and Jean-Marie Le Pen himself. In an attempt to shed light on this case. The result is a serious and subtle film, which suggests things more than it asserts them, allowing everyone to make up their own minds.

A film by José Bourgarel
With the collaboration of Emmanuel Blanchard
Editing: Sylvie Bourget
Production Algeria
Image: Mustapha Melmihoub
Sound: Yacine Kandriche
Team Paris
Image: Frédéric Bouvier, Christian Fienga, Cyril Havoudjian, Antoine Roux
Sound: Denis Gravouil

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises production
With the participation of France 2
With the support of the Centre National de la Cinématographie

National Broadcaster : France 2

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2007