Their names are Andrew, Anthony, Jose. Their portraits hang near Arlington National Cemetery, along with those of 1,327 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Put together by 200 volunteer artists, the exhibition defies official censorship against showing the war dead. Jean-Paul Mari and Eyal Sivan met with family members of soldiers who lost their lives, many of whom now doubt whether the wars were justified. From the national capital to Philadelphia´s black suburbs, from Wisconsin farms to North Carolina´s barracks towns, from a tiny congregation in Virginia to the desert of Arizona, our film captures their pain, doubts and anger as viewers share a little bit of their daily lives. A discrete journey into the heartland of an unexpected America, torn between confusion, weariness and revolt.

A film by Jean-Paul Mari
Direction and image : Eyal Sivan
Editing: Audrey Maurion
Sound : Nicolas Mazet
Journalist : Séverine Cazes

A Compagnie des Phares et Balises & ARTE France coproduction
With the participation of TSR
With the support of the Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée

National Broadcaster : ARTE France

International Sales :
RTS Switzerland

© ARTE France – Compagnie des Phares et Balises – France, 2006