Where historians now agree on a name – that of a certain Eustache Dauger -, they still clash over the person’s true identity.  Was he a simple valet? Or was he a blood relation of the Sun King? What if, as some say, the man in the iron mask was Louis XIV’s half brother? If so, the History of France and Europe would be very different…  In the style of a police investigation, our protagonists (historians, researchers, anthropologists, etc.) will offer us different leads that we shall scrutinize in order to offer an explanation to the best kept secret in the history of France.

A film by Antoine Dreyfus and Jean-Christophe De Revière
Image by Jean-Christophe de Revière and Vincent May
Original music by Sébastien Berteau

A production by 13 Productions
With the participation of RMC Story, HISTOIRE TV, RTBF and the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée
Broadcaster: RMC Story 
International sales: CLPB Rights

© 13 Production – 2021